OfficeTimer Reviews: Time Tracking, HR and Project Management Software

OfficeTimer is a fully free time tracking, HR, and project management software that allows you to track time and expense, manage attendance and leave, plan and track projects, and raise instant invoices. With unlimited users, clients, and projects, it offers a cost-effective solution for businesses and professionals.

Get started with OfficeTimer now and streamline your time tracking and project management processes.

  • Fully free with unlimited users, clients, projects, tasks, and time tracking
  • Track time, attendance, expense, and project details on the go
  • Raise instant invoices and manage billed/unbilled hours and expenses

OfficeTimer Screenshot


OfficeTimer offers a fully free plan with unlimited users, clients, and projects. Upgrades are also available for additional features.


OfficeTimer allows you to track time and expense, manage attendance and leave, plan and track projects, and raise instant invoices. It also offers mobile and web apps for easy access.


Business Development Bank of Canada and other clients recommend OfficeTimer for its exceptional time reporting and tracking capabilities, easy customization, and cost-effectiveness.