Obit - Reviews, Features, Pricing | Best Learning App for Families

Obit is the perfect tool for families looking to combine learning and fun. With a variety of educational games and applications, Obit makes it easy for parents to engage their children in productive learning experiences. Additionally, the app fosters connections between family members, even during remote or physically distanced occasions.

Obit's comprehensive offerings, from math and language learning to engaging quizzes, provide a well-rounded educational experience for children of all ages, making it a valuable asset for any family's learning journey.

  • Fosters interactive and fun learning for the whole family
  • Provides award-winning educational applications for children of all ages
  • Allows remote connection and communication with family and friends through video games and quizzes

Obit Screenshot


Obit offers different subscription plans to cater to the needs of every family. The pricing is flexible and affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of users.


Users rave about the engaging and enriching experience Obit provides for families. It has garnered positive feedback for its ability to make learning enjoyable for both kids and adults.


From educational games to video quizzes, Obit offers a diverse range of features to keep the whole family engaged. Its partnership with renowned publishers ensures high-quality content for users of all ages.


Obit's functionality extends beyond just learning; it also serves as a platform for family gatherings and social events. The app's versatility makes it an ideal choice for virtual family get-togethers.


With Obit, families can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. The app enables children to enhance their knowledge in various subjects while spending quality time with their loved ones.