Nikto Cyber Security Tool - Reviews, Features, and Pricing

Nikto is a powerful open-source web server scanner that offers comprehensive scanning capabilities to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities. With support for major operating systems and a user-friendly interface, Nikto is a valuable tool for cyber security professionals.

Empower your organization with the proactive security insights provided by Nikto, and strengthen your network's resilience against cyber threats.

  • Comprehensive scanning capabilities for identifying vulnerabilities
  • Easy to use and well-documented open-source tool
  • Supports major operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS

Nikto Screenshot


Nikto is a free and open-source web server scanner that provides valuable security insights to help protect your network from potential threats.


Nikto has received positive feedback from cyber security professionals for its ability to effectively identify security vulnerabilities and provide detailed insights for remediation.


With its comprehensive scanning capabilities, Nikto enables users to perform in-depth analysis of web servers and identify potential security weaknesses. The tool is well-documented and supports major operating systems, making it a versatile choice for cyber security professionals.


Nikto offers a user-friendly interface and powerful scanning features, making it an essential tool for identifying and addressing potential security risks within web servers. Its open-source nature allows for flexibility and customization to suit specific security requirements.


Nikto empowers users to proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities within web servers, contributing to a stronger security posture and enhanced protection against cyber threats.