Nexudus - A Comprehensive Coworking Space Management Software

Nexudus is a comprehensive coworking space management software offering automated workflows, robust integration capabilities, and a user-friendly interface. With features such as flexible booking systems, CRM tools, and reliable customer support, Nexudus streamlines space management for coworking operators.

  • Comprehensive automation of daily tasks
  • Flexible booking and billing system
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Robust integration capabilities

Nexudus Screenshot


Nexudus offers transparent and adaptable pricing tailored to fit various coworking space sizes and needs. From starter plans for smaller spaces to custom plans for larger operations, Nexudus ensures affordability and scalability.


User feedback consistently highlights Nexudus' comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and reliable customer support as key strengths of the platform.


Nexudus provides a wide range of features including automated billing and invoicing, flexible booking systems, CRM tools, mobile app functionality, and comprehensive analytics to optimize space utilization and member experiences.


The platform offers robust integration capabilities, allowing seamless connectivity with popular payment gateways, door access systems, and more, to enhance operational efficiency.


Nexudus boasts an in-house trained support team, access to a learning portal, and educational webinars, ensuring users have the resources and assistance they need to maximize their experience with the platform.