Nextech EHR & PM - Reviews, Features & Pricing

Nextech EHR & PM is a cloud-based specialty-specific software trusted by over 16,000 medical practices, offering comprehensive solutions to simplify the delivery of excellent patient care. Its user-friendly interface, customizable features, and efficient workflows make it an ideal choice for specialists in dermatology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, and plastic surgery.

With Nextech EHR & PM, medical practices can optimize staff efficiency, improve patient intake time, and track marketing campaigns to attract new patients, ultimately leading to a more streamlined and efficient practice that focuses on delivering high-quality care.

  • Specialty-specific software for physicians
  • Trusted by more than 16,000 medical practices
  • Cloud-based and user-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive practice management solutions

Nextech EHR & PM Screenshot


One of the key advantages of Nextech EHR & PM is its transparent and flexible pricing structure that can be tailored to the specific needs of your practice.


Medical professionals have praised Nextech EHR & PM for its intuitive interface, efficient workflows, and specialty-specific features that enhance patient care.


Nextech EHR & PM offers a wide range of features tailored to specialty physicians, including marketing tools, patient retention features, and customizable templates for different specialties.


By implementing Nextech EHR & PM, medical practices can expect improved staff efficiency, streamlined patient care, and increased practice revenue, ultimately leading to enhanced overall performance.


Nextech EHR & PM seamlessly integrates with existing practice management systems, EMR solutions, and billing software, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to daily operations.