Newoldstamp Email Signature Generator Reviews 2024 | GetApp France

Newoldstamp is a leading email signature generator offering professional, interactive, and centrally managed email signature solutions for efficient branding and marketing campaigns. With competitive pricing, seamless integration, and a wide range of features, Newoldstamp is a top choice for businesses seeking to elevate their email communications.

  • Professional and interactive email signature designs
  • Efficient campaign management for branding and marketing
  • Centralized management for time-saving and brand consistency

Newoldstamp Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Newoldstamp offers competitive packages tailored to different business needs, ensuring affordability and value for money.


User reviews of Newoldstamp consistently highlight the ease of use, customization options, and the professional appearance of email signatures, making it a top choice among businesses.


Newoldstamp boasts a wide range of features, including customizable templates, signature campaign management, and seamless integration with various email clients, providing comprehensive solutions for all branding and marketing needs.


The functionality of Newoldstamp extends beyond basic email signature generation, offering advanced tools for campaign-specific signatures, image libraries, and detailed reporting and analytics.


Newoldstamp seamlessly integrates with a variety of email platforms, including Microsoft and Gmail, ensuring smooth implementation and hassle-free management for businesses of all sizes.