Netmining - Behavioral Targeting Software: Reviews, Pricing, and Features

Netmining is a cutting-edge behavioral targeting software that enables businesses to personalize content delivery and engage with their audience effectively. With its powerful integrations and advanced behavioral targeting capabilities, Netmining empowers businesses to optimize their online marketing strategies and drive higher conversion rates.

  • Advanced behavioral targeting capabilities
  • Customizable content for different visitor segments
  • Powerful integration with various APIs

Netmining Screenshot


Netmining offers competitive pricing plans tailored to the needs of businesses, providing flexibility and scalability.


Users praise Netmining for its robust behavioral targeting features, intuitive interface, and effective customer support.


Netmining empowers businesses with advanced behavioral targeting, personalized content delivery, seamless integration with various APIs, and comprehensive customer behavior insights.

With Netmining, businesses can effectively engage with their audience, increase conversion rates, and optimize their online marketing strategies.


Netmining offers a wide range of functionalities including advanced behavioral targeting capabilities, customizable content delivery, powerful integration with various APIs, and comprehensive customer behavior insights.

Businesses can utilize these functionalities to enhance their online marketing efforts, drive customer engagement, and increase conversion rates effectively.