Best Name/Entity Matching Tool 2024: Reviews & Features

Our Name/Entity Matching tool is designed to streamline compliance with AML regulations and enhance the searching of account and transaction information across systems, regions, and business lines. It offers sophisticated matching and scoring tools to improve the name/entity screening and matching processes, contributing to better risk mitigation and financial crime prevention.

  • Precise and sophisticated matching and scoring tools for improved searching of account and transaction information
  • Helps create a comprehensive view of customers and enhances name/entity screening and matching processes
  • Streamlines compliance with AML regulations and OFAC compliance

Name/entity matching Screenshot


Our Name/Entity Matching tool offers competitive pricing to suit your compliance needs.


Users praise the precision and efficiency of our Name/Entity Matching tool for AML compliance.


With advanced matching and scoring capabilities, our tool simplifies AML compliance and enhances customer due diligence.


Our Name/Entity Matching tool streamlines compliance processes, leading to better risk mitigation and operational efficiency.


Implementing our Name/Entity Matching tool ensures robust AML compliance, creating a comprehensive and efficient process.