My Meetings - Reviews, Pricing, Features | Your Reliable Meeting App

My Meetings offers powerful features such as automated note-taking, real-time knowledge base creation, and sophisticated conversation intelligence. With seamless integration and flexible pricing, it's the top choice for businesses and independent professionals seeking efficient and productive meetings.

Enhance your meeting processes with My Meetings and uncover the true potential of collaborative discussions and data-driven insights.

  • Effortlessly record and transcribe meetings across various video-conferencing apps
  • Integrate with popular collaboration and CRM tools for seamless workflow automation
  • AI-powered search and analysis for quick access to key meeting insights

My Meetings Screenshot


My Meetings offers flexible plans tailored to meet the needs of individuals, small teams, growing businesses, and large-scale enterprises. With cost-effective options and valuable features, it's the ideal solution for all your meeting needs.


Users commend My Meetings for its intuitive interface, advanced analytics, and seamless integration with various platforms. It's a game-changer for streamlining meeting processes and enhancing productivity across teams.


My Meetings boasts a wide range of features including automated note-taking, real-time knowledge base creation, and sophisticated conversation intelligence. These functionalities empower users to extract maximum value from every meeting.


My Meetings is designed to simplify meeting management and elevate collaboration, making it an indispensable tool for businesses and independent professionals alike. From automated workflows to secure data management, it's the ultimate solution for efficient and effective meetings.

Usage Scenarios

Whether you're a sales professional, engineer, recruiter, marketer, educator, or podcaster, My Meetings has something unique to offer. Tailored to various use cases, it's a versatile platform that adapts to your specific meeting requirements.