Best Mentimeter Presentation Tool: Reviews, Features, and Pricing

Engage your audience in real-time with Mentimeter's interactive and dynamic presentation software. Utilize features like word clouds, live polling, and entertaining quizzes to make your presentations more engaging and insightful.

Mentimeter is the go-to tool for creating unique presentations that empower presenters to connect with their audience, receive valuable insights, and make better decisions.

  • Engage with the audience in real-time through word clouds, polls, and quizzes
  • Works seamlessly with popular apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and PowerPoint
  • Create unique presentations with a wide range of interactive slides
  • Receive valuable insights from everyone around you, leading to better decision-making

Mentimeter Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Mentimeter offers flexible plans to cater to different business needs. From free basic features to premium options, there's a plan for everyone.


Users of Mentimeter have praised its ability to engage the audience and gather valuable feedback. The real-time interaction feature has been particularly appreciated in educational settings.


Mentimeter is packed with features that make presentations more interactive and engaging. Dynamic word clouds, live polling, entertaining quizzes, and informative Q&As are just some of the functionalities that set Mentimeter apart.


Mentimeter is an interactive presentation software that allows presenters to build a strong connection with their audience. The tool empowers users to craft insightful icebreakers, engage the audience, and gather real-time feedback, making presentations truly unique.


With Mentimeter, presenters can turn tough crowds into engaged audiences using a range of interactive slides. The software offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform to create polls, quizzes, and word clouds, making it an ideal choice for engaging presentations.