LogicalDOC Review: Best Document Management System in 2021 - User Opinions

LogicalDOC is a comprehensive document management system offering flexible access control, efficient search functions, and robust document history features. With competitive pricing and a user-friendly interface, it stands as a top-tier solution for businesses of all scales.

  • Flexible access control and security features
  • Supports a wide range of file types for storage
  • Efficient search functions for quick document retrieval
  • Document history for auditing and version control

LogicalDOC Screenshot


LogicalDOC offers competitive pricing plans catering to businesses of all sizes and needs. From small enterprises to large corporations, LogicalDOC ensures a cost-effective solution for efficient document management.

User Opinions

User feedback highlights the user-friendly interface, flexible access control, and efficient search functions as key strengths of LogicalDOC. The platform's document history and version control features are also well-received by users.


LogicalDOC provides an array of features such as flexible access control, comprehensive search functions, detailed document history, and version control. The platform ensures efficient document management and retrieval for businesses of all scales.


LogicalDOC stands as a top-tier document management system, offering competitive pricing, user-friendly interface, and robust features for efficient document management. With its flexible access control and comprehensive search functions, LogicalDOC proves to be a reliable solution for businesses seeking streamlined document management.