LaunchDarkly Review: Pros, Cons, and Features 2021

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that offers powerful feature flagging, robust experimentation capabilities, and seamless user targeting for modern development teams. Its scalable nature makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, and its intuitive interface garners positive feedback from users.

With LaunchDarkly, teams can efficiently manage feature releases, gather valuable insights through experimentation, and improve the user experience, ultimately leading to high-quality software delivery and data-driven decision-making.

  • Powerful feature flagging capabilities for controlled feature releases
  • Robust experimentation platform to test new features and gather data
  • Scalable platform suitable for both small startups and large enterprises

LaunchDarkly Screenshot


LaunchDarkly offers flexible pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes. The pricing structure is transparent and customizable, providing tailored solutions for individual needs.


Users praise LaunchDarkly for its intuitive interface, powerful feature set, and excellent customer support. It has garnered positive feedback from both small businesses and large enterprises.


LaunchDarkly provides a comprehensive set of features including feature flagging, experimentation, user targeting, and performance monitoring. Its robust feature set addresses the core needs of modern development teams.


With LaunchDarkly, teams can easily manage feature flags, conduct controlled rollouts, and gather valuable insights through experimentation. The platform's functionality facilitates efficient software development and improves the user experience.


Utilizing LaunchDarkly results in streamlined feature release management, improved user experience, and data-driven decision-making. It empowers development teams to deliver high-quality software efficiently.