Landr Reviews, Pricing & Presentation | Productivity Tool

Landr is a productivity tool designed to provide smart voice and messaging services, 911 access, and phone number management, all supported by a dedicated VoIP network. The platform prioritizes ease of integration, data management, and 24/7 accessibility to meet the needs of businesses and professionals.

  • Smart communication API platform
  • Easy integration with web applications
  • 24/7 accessibility

Landr Screenshot


Landr offers a flexible pricing model tailored to the needs of its users. The platform also provides a free trial period for users to explore its capabilities before committing to a subscription.


Users have expressed high satisfaction with Landr, citing its user-friendly interface, reliable support, and advanced features as key highlights.


Landr's feature set includes smart voice and messaging services, 911 access, and phone number management, all supported by a dedicated VoIP network. The platform also offers seamless data import/export and individualized email and signature options for users.

Integrations & API

Landr provides robust APIs for seamless integration with other business applications, empowering users to connect, exchange, and synchronize data effortlessly.


Users can access Landr's services remotely from various devices, thanks to its compatibility with multiple operating systems and accessibility from web browsers and mobile devices.