Kameleoon: Reviews, Features, Pricing - 2021 A/B Testing Tool

Kameleoon offers a user-friendly visual editor, advanced multivariate testing, and an automated mode for efficient testing, making it a top choice for businesses looking to optimize their website conversions in 2021.

  • User-friendly visual editor for creating A/B tests
  • Advanced multivariate testing capabilities
  • Automated mode for efficient testing

Kameleoon Screenshot


When it comes to A/B testing tools, Kameleoon offers a competitive pricing model that caters to businesses of all sizes, making it an affordable option for startups and enterprises alike.


Users praise Kameleoon's intuitive interface, advanced testing options, and reliable support, making it a top choice for optimizing website conversions. With its comprehensive features, Kameleoon empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions.


Kameleoon stands out with its user-friendly visual editor, multivariate testing capabilities, and automated mode, allowing businesses to conduct efficient and insightful A/B tests to enhance their online performance.