JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ Reviews - Efficient Identity and Access Management

JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ offers a comprehensive suite of identity and access management solutions designed to secure user identities and regulate user access across various IT resources, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

With its cloud-based nature and Zero Trust security capabilities, JumpCloud provides an easy-to-use, flexible, and secure identity and access management solution suitable for organizations of all sizes.

  • Comprehensive and integrated suite of identity and access management solutions
  • Cloud-based, connecting an organization’s employees to virtually any resource
  • Zero Trust security capabilities to ensure secure access to resources

JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ Screenshot


JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ provides flexible pricing options to suit the needs of various organizations. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, there is a pricing plan that can accommodate your requirements.


Customers consistently rate JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ as a top solution for identity and access management. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a popular choice for organizations of all sizes.


The platform offers a range of features, including directory services, single sign-on, privilege account management, multi-factor authentication, and more. These capabilities help manage users, devices, and secure access to IT resources, both on-premises and in the cloud.


JumpCloud Open Directory Platform™ prioritizes security, enabling organizations to implement adaptive secure remote access, enforce MFA, and implement Zero Trust security capabilities to mitigate potential threats and ensure secure user access.


The platform's functionality caters to the needs of remote, hybrid, or traditional on-premises work environments, making it a versatile and scalable solution for modern businesses.