Best Catalog Management Software: iPaper - Ratings & Reviews

iPaper is a leading digital catalog management platform that enables businesses to create engaging and interactive digital catalogs from PDFs. With features like animations, videos, and a seamless checkout process, iPaper provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to enhance their product presentations and improve customer engagement.

  • Enables creation of interactive digital catalogs from PDFs
  • Provides features like animations, videos, and store locator pop-ups
  • Easy checkout process through email, WhatsApp, or e-commerce webshop

iPaper Screenshot


iPaper offers flexible pricing plans to accommodate different business needs. Contact for a personalized quote.


Users commend iPaper for its intuitive interface and ability to create engaging digital catalogs.


iPaper's features include shoppable experiences, seamless integration, and a user-friendly platform, making it a preferred choice for businesses seeking interactive catalog solutions.


The functionality of iPaper allows businesses to capture shoppers' attention and provide interactive, visually appealing digital catalogs, enhancing the overall customer experience.


iPaper offers benefits such as improved customer engagement, increased sales, and a competitive edge in the market through innovative digital catalog management.