InSync PCA Software: Reviews, Pricing, and Alternatives

InSync is a popular Plan de Continuité d'Activité (PCA) software known for its secure synchronization and backup features for Google Drive data. With support for multiple accounts, it's a preferred choice for businesses looking to ensure operational continuity.

Its affordable pricing model combined with positive user reviews makes InSync a practical and reliable solution for businesses of all sizes seeking robust continuity planning.

  • Secure synchronization and backup of Google Drive data
  • Support for multiple Google Drive accounts
  • Popular choice for business continuity planning

InSync Screenshot


InSync offers a competitive pricing model that caters to businesses of all sizes. Its affordable monthly subscription makes it a cost-effective choice for implementing a robust business continuity plan.


Users praise InSync for its user-friendly interface and reliable data synchronization and backup capabilities. It has garnered popularity among businesses seeking a dependable plan for continuity of operations.


InSync provides essential features such as secure data synchronization, multiple account support, and reliable backup options. Its seamless integration with Google Drive makes it a convenient choice for businesses.


The functionality of InSync is designed to ensure smooth and secure data backup and synchronization, offering peace of mind to businesses during crisis situations. It's a practical tool for maintaining operational continuity.


InSync presents a reliable and cost-effective solution for business continuity planning, ensuring that critical data is safeguarded and accessible when needed the most. Its seamless integration with Google Drive makes it a convenient choice for businesses seeking a dependable PCA tool.