Infor VISUAL - Reviews, Features and Pricing | Manufacturing ERP Software

Infor VISUAL is an order-driven manufacturing ERP software that provides comprehensive features for shop-floor automation, quality management, and scalability. With a focus on improving production throughput, margins, and customer satisfaction, it offers a holistic solution for manufacturing businesses.

Experience the benefits of Infor VISUAL to streamline production operations, gain full visibility of work schedules, and deliver quality products on time to maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

  • Comprehensive order-driven manufacturing ERP solution
  • Shop-floor automation for increased productivity
  • Quality management and performance analytics

Infor VISUAL Screenshot


When considering Infor VISUAL, businesses can expect a comprehensive ERP solution tailored to order-driven manufacturing, with pricing options aligned with the specific needs of the operation.


Users of Infor VISUAL have praised its shop-floor automation capabilities, quality management features, and scalability for managing growth efficiently.


Infor VISUAL offers a range of features including finite or DBR scheduling, quality management, throughput performance, and shop-floor automation. These capabilities contribute to improved production throughput, margins, and customer satisfaction.


The functionality of Infor VISUAL includes shop-floor mobility, WIP management, performance management, and deployment options. This provides end-to-end quality management, scalability, and performance analytics for a holistic view of the operation.


Businesses looking for a comprehensive order-driven manufacturing ERP solution can benefit from the features and capabilities of Infor VISUAL. With robust functionalities such as shop-floor automation, quality management, and scalability, it enables businesses to streamline production operations and enhance profitability.