Influitive - Customer Advocacy and Reviews Platform

Influitive is a powerful platform that enables you to drive customer advocacy, manage reviews, and build a loyal customer base effectively. With personalized targeting and rewards, you can engage both customers and advocates for enhanced brand reputation and business growth.

Discover how Influitive can transform your approach to customer advocacy and reviews management, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive brand visibility.

  • Engage customers and advocates in advocacy campaigns
  • Manage and monitor customer reviews and feedback
  • Personalized targeting and rewards for loyal customers and advocates

Influitive Screenshot


Influitive offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs, allowing you to maximize your ROI while leveraging customer advocacy.


Discover how Influitive helps you curate and manage customer reviews effectively, providing you with valuable insights to enhance your brand reputation.


Explore the powerful features of Influitive that enable you to run successful advocacy campaigns, engage with customers, and drive positive reviews for your business.


By leveraging Influitive, you can foster a loyal customer base, amplify positive reviews, and gain a competitive edge in your industry, ultimately leading to business growth and success.


Learn about the seamless integrations that Influitive offers, allowing you to connect with your existing tools and platforms for a streamlined customer advocacy experience.