HubSpot Chatbot Builder: Reviews, Features, Pricing

HubSpot Chatbot Builder offers seamless integration with HubSpot CRM, advanced AI-powered conversational abilities, and the ability to automate and store all conversations in the CRM for lead qualification and automation. It is a powerful tool for enhancing customer service capabilities.

  • Seamless integration with HubSpot CRM
  • Advanced AI-powered conversational abilities
  • Automate and scale live chat conversations
  • Stores all conversations in the CRM for lead qualification and automation

HubSpot Chatbot Builder Screenshot


HubSpot Chatbot Builder offers a free plan, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. The free plan allows for the automation and scaling of live chat conversations, making it a great starting point for those looking to enhance their customer service capabilities.


Users of HubSpot Chatbot Builder have praised its seamless integration with the HubSpot CRM, allowing for a unified approach to customer interactions. The advanced AI-powered conversational abilities have also been highlighted as a key feature, enabling businesses to provide personalized and efficient customer service.


HubSpot Chatbot Builder's key features include seamless integration with HubSpot CRM, advanced AI-powered conversational abilities, the ability to automate and scale live chat conversations, and the storage of all conversations in the CRM for lead qualification and automation.


HubSpot Chatbot Builder is a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer service capabilities. With its advanced AI capabilities and seamless integration with the HubSpot CRM, it provides a comprehensive solution for automating and improving customer interactions.