Top 10 Customer Success Tools - Reviews & Pricing | Hubb

Hubb is an advanced customer success tool that offers comprehensive features for effectively managing customer relationships, identifying at-risk accounts, and streamlining customer communication. It provides a unified customer repository and advanced strategies for account-based marketing, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking to enhance customer success.

With its intuitive interface and seamless integration capabilities, Hubb stands out as a powerful tool for driving customer success initiatives and improving overall customer satisfaction.

  • Advanced customer success tool with comprehensive features
  • Excellent at identifying at-risk accounts and improving customer communication
  • Provides unique features for building a unified customer repository and advanced ABM strategies

Hubb Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Hubb offers competitive plans tailored to meet the needs of businesses at different scales. The detailed pricing structure can be obtained directly from the official website.


Customers have praised Hubb for its intuitive interface, robust features, and exceptional customer support. However, there are also suggestions for improvements in certain areas to enhance the overall user experience.


Hubb boasts a wide range of features, including but not limited to advanced customer health monitoring, automated customer engagement, personalized assistance, and seamless integration with various CRM and marketing automation tools.

Experience with Hubb

Users have reported positive experiences with Hubb, highlighting its effectiveness in streamlining customer communication, identifying at-risk accounts, and creating personalized, target-oriented customer strategies. The overall consensus is that Hubb is a powerful tool for driving customer success initiatives.


One of Hubb's greatest strengths is its ability to seamlessly integrate with a variety of essential tools, ensuring a cohesive workflow and efficient utilization of customer data.