Hand Weights - Reviews, Features, and Pricing

Experience the ultimate in hand weights with a durable, versatile, and safe fitness solution. Our hand weights are designed to provide a complete full-body workout, catering to users of all experience levels. Crafted from real nylon firehose and filled with steel shot, these weights offer a unique and effective way to enhance your strength training routine.

  • Real nylon firehose construction for durability
  • Compact and versatile design for a full-body workout
  • Safe and easy to use for all fitness levels

Hand weights Screenshot


When it comes to hand weights, finding a balance between quality and price is essential. With our hand weights, you get a high-quality, durable product at a competitive price point.


Users rave about the versatile design and ease of use of our hand weights. With a focus on safety and effectiveness, these weights are suitable for beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts alike.


Our hand weights are crafted from real nylon firehose and filled with steel shot, providing a fluid and continuous movement system. The compact design allows for a wide range of exercises, making it a 10-in-1 fitness solution for strength training.


Designed to offer a complete workout experience, our hand weights are suitable for a range of exercises including arm curls, shoulder presses, squats, lunges, and more. The versatility of these weights makes them a valuable addition to any fitness routine.


Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness enthusiast, or gym owner, our hand weights are a valuable addition to any fitness program. Their compact design and broad functionality make them a versatile tool for strength training.