H2O Driverless AI Review 2024 - Automated Machine Learning Tool

H2O Driverless AI is an automated machine learning tool that streamlines feature engineering, automates model development, and provides comprehensive model interpretability. It is designed to empower both data scientists and business users in creating accurate and efficient predictive models.

This innovative tool offers a wide range of features, making it accessible to those with varying levels of technical expertise and applicable across multiple industries.

  • Streamlines feature engineering with intelligent feature transformation
  • Automates model development for efficient and accurate results
  • Provides comprehensive explainability toolkit for model interpretation and transparency

H2O Driverless AI Screenshot


For information about the pricing of H2O Driverless AI, please contact our sales team.


Users praise H2O Driverless AI for its user-friendly interface and powerful automation capabilities. The tool has been instrumental in accelerating the development of accurate predictive models.


H2O Driverless AI offers a wide range of features including intelligent feature transformation, automated model development, comprehensive explainability toolkit, and expert recommender system. The tool simplifies the entire data science lifecycle, making it accessible to both data scientists and business users.

Use Cases

H2O Driverless AI is ideal for businesses looking to implement AI and machine learning in their workflows without the need for extensive technical expertise. It is suitable for a variety of industries including finance, marketing, and insurance.


H2O Driverless AI seamlessly integrates with various data sources including Hadoop HDFS and Amazon S3, providing flexibility and compatibility with existing data infrastructure.