Gym Assistant Reviews, Features, Pricing | All-in-One Management Solution

Gym Assistant is a comprehensive management solution designed to meet the diverse needs of fitness clubs, personal training centers, swimming and leisure centers, and wellness facilities. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and dedicated customer support, Gym Assistant empowers fitness businesses to streamline operations and enhance member experiences.

  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation and operation
  • Comprehensive membership management and billing features
  • Efficient employee management and facility scheduling capabilities
  • Robust reporting and statistics for data-driven decision making

Gym Assistant Screenshot


Gym Assistant offers competitive pricing plans tailored to the specific needs of fitness establishments, ensuring cost-effective management solutions.


With an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 based on 184 user reviews, Gym Assistant is highly regarded for its intuitive interface and comprehensive management features, making it a top choice for fitness club owners and operators.


Gym Assistant boasts a wide range of features including membership management, billing, employee management, facility scheduling, and robust reporting and statistics, empowering fitness businesses to streamline their operations and drive growth.


One of the key priorities of Gym Assistant is to ensure the security of sensitive member and business data, offering peace of mind to fitness club owners and operators.

Customer Support

Gym Assistant provides reliable customer support to assist fitness establishments in maximizing the benefits of its management solution, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.