Guusto Reviews: Employee Recognition Software

Guusto is an innovative employee recognition software that offers customizable recognition programs, global recognition capabilities, and an automated reward system. With intuitive features and flexible pricing plans, Guusto enhances employee engagement and satisfaction, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation within your organization.

  • Customizable recognition programs
  • Global recognition capabilities
  • Automated reward system

Guusto Screenshot


Guusto offers flexible pricing plans to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes, making it a cost-effective solution for enhancing employee engagement.


Employers praise Guusto for its intuitive platform, seamless user experience, and robust features, leading to improved employee satisfaction and performance.


Guusto provides a comprehensive set of features, including peer-to-peer recognition, global rewards, automated recognition, and customizable reward options, making it a versatile solution for diverse business needs.


Guusto's user-friendly interface, advanced analytics, and flexible deployment options ensure a seamless integration into any organizational environment, enhancing the overall employee recognition process.


By leveraging Guusto, businesses can create a culture of appreciation, loyalty, and motivation, resulting in improved employee retention, satisfaction, and overall performance.