GoFrugal Franchise Management Software: Reviews, Pricing, Features

GoFrugal is a versatile franchise management software offering comprehensive support for business development, CRM, and enterprise management. With cloud-based deployment and multi-language support, it provides the flexibility and global accessibility required for successful franchise operations.

Its intuitive interface, robust features, and excellent customer support make GoFrugal an ideal choice for businesses seeking scalable, efficient, and user-friendly franchise management solutions.

  • Comprehensive franchise management support for business development, CRM, and enterprise management
  • Cloud-based deployment for flexible accessibility
  • Multi-language support for global operations

GoFrugal Screenshot


GoFrugal Franchise Management Software offers competitive pricing options suitable for businesses of all sizes. The flexible pricing model ensures affordability and scalability.


User reviews of GoFrugal highlight its intuitive interface, robust features, and excellent customer support.


GoFrugal's features include comprehensive CRM, multi-location support, mobile access, and advanced reporting and analytics for effective business management.


GoFrugal offers a wide range of functionality to streamline franchise management, from automated alerts and notifications to access controls and permissions.


GoFrugal seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools and platforms to enhance its functionality and provide a holistic solution for franchise management.