Feedbackly Customer Satisfaction Survey & Feedback Platform 2024 Review

Feedbackly is a powerful platform designed to help businesses measure, analyze, and improve customer satisfaction and overall customer experiences. It offers multi-channel feedback collection, real-time alerts, user segmentation, and in-depth analysis and reporting to streamline the customer feedback process and drive positive customer experiences.

  • Multi-channel feedback collection
  • Real-time feedback alerts and notifications
  • User segmentation for personalized experiences
  • In-depth analysis and reporting

Feedbackly Screenshot


Feedbackly offers multiple pricing options, starting from a $49/month Starter plan. It also provides a free trial for 14 days.

Customer Feedback & Satisfaction

Feedbackly is a comprehensive solution for collecting customer feedback and measuring customer satisfaction. It offers a range of survey templates and survey logic, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into customer sentiments.


Feedbackly's top features include multi-channel feedback collection, real-time feedback alerts, user segmentation, and in-depth analysis and reporting. These features make it easy for businesses to gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the quality of their products and services.


With Feedbackly, businesses can gather crucial customer feedback to measure, analyze, and improve customer satisfaction and overall customer experiences. The platform provides the necessary tools to ensure businesses can continuously enhance their customer experiences, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Feedbackly's functionality caters to businesses of all sizes, offering easy-to-use survey creation, distribution, and reporting capabilities. This makes it a versatile tool for businesses looking to improve their customer satisfaction strategies and drive positive customer experiences.