Experity Urgent Care EMR & PM Software - Reviews, Features & Pricing

Experity Urgent Care EMR & PM Software is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline clinical and administrative workflows for urgent care practices. With user-friendly features and advanced functionalities, the software offers seamless integration of EMR and PM, ensuring efficient patient care and practice management.

Its cloud-based nature provides scalability and easy accessibility, making it an ideal choice for urgent care providers seeking a robust, customizable solution.

  • User-friendly interface for seamless integration of EMR and PM
  • Cloud-based software for easy access and scalability
  • Comprehensive EMR functionalities for efficient clinical documentation
  • Customizable PM features for streamlined administrative tasks

Experity Urgent Care EMR & PM Software Screenshot


Experity Urgent Care EMR & PM Software offers competitive pricing plans tailored to fit the needs of urgent care practices of all sizes.


Users rave about the intuitive interface and the seamless integration of EMR and PM functionalities, providing a comprehensive solution to urgent care providers.


The software boasts advanced clinical documentation capabilities, customizable PM features, and a user-friendly interface designed for urgent care settings. Additionally, the cloud-based nature of the software allows for easy access and scalability.


Experity Urgent Care EMR & PM Software provides a wide range of functionalities, including patient scheduling, electronic health records management, billing, and more, all tailored to meet the specific needs of urgent care practices.


The accessibility of the software is unmatched, allowing users to securely access patient information from any location with internet connectivity, ensuring seamless care delivery.