EmployeeReferrals.com Reviews & Pricing | Boost Referrals & Engage Candidates

EmployeeReferrals.com is the #1 Employee Referral Platform trusted by millions of users worldwide. The platform boosts employee referrals through engaging campaigns and competitions while seamlessly integrating with existing systems. It offers personalized communication tools to effectively engage candidates, making the recruitment process more efficient and inclusive.

  • Boosts employee referrals through campaigns and competitions
  • Engages candidates with personalized communications and automated social posts
  • Integration with major ATS, SSO, and HRIS for seamless workflow

Employeereferrals.com Screenshot


EmployeeReferrals.com offers competitive pricing plans to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes. Contact us to discuss customizable pricing options tailored to your organization.


EmployeeReferrals.com has received rave reviews from users across the globe for its user-friendly interface, effective engagement tools, and seamless integration with existing systems.


EmployeeReferrals.com offers a range of features including intelligent referral recommendations, micro rewards for referrals, automated reminders, and personalized communication tools to engage candidates effectively.


The functionality of EmployeeReferrals.com enables seamless integration with ATS, SSO, and HRIS, ensuring a smooth workflow for HR and recruitment teams. The platform also offers insights and analytics to track referral performance and diversity metrics.


Implementing EmployeeReferrals.com brings various benefits such as increased employee engagement, efficient candidate sourcing, and enhanced diversity and inclusion initiatives. The platform streamlines the referral process and helps in building a robust talent pipeline.