Dynamic Yield Reviews, Pricing and Alternatives | Logiciels.Pro

Dynamic Yield is a powerful marketing automation and engagement platform that offers advanced CRM, marketing automation, and customer engagement capabilities. Its seamless integrations with various analytics and CRM tools make it a versatile and comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to elevate their marketing strategies.

The platform's personalized and context-driven customer engagement, coupled with its comprehensive API support, ensures a tailored and impactful marketing approach for businesses of all scales.

  • Advanced marketing automation and lifecycle management
  • Seamless integration with various CRM and analytics tools
  • Personalized and context-driven customer engagement
  • Comprehensive API support for versatile application

Dynamic Yield Screenshot


Dynamic Yield offers a range of pricing options tailored to different business needs, allowing for scalability and flexibility in managing marketing budgets.


User reviews of Dynamic Yield highlight its robust marketing intelligence, smart customer segmentation, and effective personalized engagement tactics that drive positive user experiences.


Dynamic Yield boasts an array of features, including advanced CRM capabilities, marketing automation, customer engagement tools, and comprehensive event and webinar marketing support.

Integrations & API

The platform seamlessly integrates with popular CRM and analytics platforms, providing a versatile and comprehensive toolset for marketers to leverage.


Dynamic Yield's competitive pricing and feature-rich offerings make it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.