DoubleDutch - Event Management App Reviews and Features

DoubleDutch offers a user-friendly interface and robust attendee engagement tools, making event planning and management seamless. With advanced features such as personalized agenda building, AI-powered networking, and live Q&A capabilities, DoubleDutch ensures successful and interactive event experiences. The platform fosters community building and real-time attendee interaction, further enhancing the overall event engagement and satisfaction.

Discover the power of DoubleDutch for creating exceptional event experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees, while simplifying the event planning and execution process for organizers.

  • User-friendly interface for easy event planning and management
  • Robust attendee engagement tools for creating interactive event experiences
  • Integrated networking features to foster community building and real-time attendee interaction

DoubleDutch Screenshot


DoubleDutch offers competitive pricing plans tailored to fit the needs of various event organizers. Whether you're planning a small corporate conference or a large-scale industry trade show, DoubleDutch provides flexible pricing options to accommodate your specific requirements.


Real user reviews of DoubleDutch emphasize its intuitive interface, comprehensive attendee engagement capabilities, and seamless networking features. Event planners and organizers appreciate the user-friendly nature of the platform, which contributes to successful event execution and positive attendee experiences.


DoubleDutch excels in providing advanced features such as personalized agenda building, AI-powered networking, live Q&A, polls, and surveys, as well as robust exhibitor profiles. The platform also offers comprehensive engagement tactics and insights to track and measure attendee engagement, along with fostering lead generation and brand awareness through its conference app functionalities.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout features of DoubleDutch is its user-friendly interface, which simplifies the event planning and execution process. Event organizers find the platform easy to navigate, allowing for seamless management of event details and attendee interactions. With a visually appealing and intuitive design, DoubleDutch makes event management a stress-free experience for planners and a delightful experience for attendees.

Attendee Engagement Tools

DoubleDutch stands out for its robust attendee engagement tools, enabling event planners to create interactive and personalized experiences for attendees. From personalized agenda building to AI-powered networking recommendations, the platform empowers event organizers to enhance attendee participation and satisfaction, ultimately leading to successful and memorable events.