Cornerstone Reviews: Top Pros & Cons, Pricing & Features

Cornerstone is an intuitive and secure platform designed to streamline the recruitment process, manage candidate data efficiently, and ensure GDPR compliance. With collaborative features and comprehensive functionality, it's a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

Efficiently manage the recruitment process, evaluate candidates, and streamline communication with Cornerstone's user-friendly interface and robust features.

  • Intuitive and centralized interface for easy candidate management
  • Secure and GDPR compliant platform
  • Collaborative recruitment process with unlimited users
  • Efficient candidate evaluation and tracking

Cornerstone Screenshot


Cornerstone offers competitive pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes. Contact the sales team for customized quotes based on your specific needs.


Users appreciate the intuitive and user-friendly interface of Cornerstone, making it easier to streamline the recruitment process and manage candidate information effectively.


Cornerstone provides comprehensive features for job posting, applicant tracking, collaborative recruitment, candidate evaluation, and reporting, making it a well-rounded solution for modern HR needs.


Cornerstone streamlines the recruitment process, allowing HR teams to efficiently manage candidate applications, communicate with candidates, and evaluate potential hires, ultimately saving time and resources.


Whether you're a startup, SME, or large enterprise, Cornerstone's scalable features cater to your organization's growing recruitment needs, ensuring seamless expansion and adaptability.