CASEit® Review: Powerful AML Compliance Tool

CASEit® is a web-based tool designed to streamline AML compliance, transaction monitoring, and trade surveillance while facilitating operational risk and anti-fraud case management. With advanced features for customer due diligence and name/entity matching, it's an essential asset for meeting complex AML compliance challenges.

  • Streamlines AML compliance, transaction monitoring, and trade surveillance
  • Facilitates operational risk and anti-fraud case management
  • Advanced tools for customer due diligence and name/entity matching

Computer Assisted Subject Examination and Investigation Tool (CASEit®) Screenshot


Discovering the cost and value proposition of CASEit®


Customer experiences and feedback on CASEit®


Exploring the comprehensive functionality of CASEit®


Understanding how CASEit® fits into your organization's AML compliance strategy


How CASEit® stacks up against other AML compliance tools on the market