CollaborateMD - Reviews, Pricing, and Features 2024

CollaborateMD is a comprehensive medical practice management software designed to streamline billing and coding processes, enhance practice management, and offer scalability for practices of all sizes.

With features like automatic medical billing, customizable patient scheduling, and streamlined operations, CollaborateMD empowers healthcare practices with efficient and effective solutions.

  • Streamlines billing and coding processes
  • Comprehensive and automated practice management
  • Scalable solution suitable for practices of all sizes

CollaborateMD Screenshot


CollaborateMD offers flexible pricing options tailored to the specific needs of your practice. Contact the provider for detailed pricing information.


Discover what users have to say about CollaborateMD. Hear directly from medical professionals who have experienced the benefits of this powerful practice management software.


CollaborateMD offers a wide range of features to enhance your practice management, including automatic medical billing, EHR integration, claim tracking, and customizable patient scheduling. The system also provides automatic reminders and practice reporting for improved efficiency.

With CollaborateMD, you can benefit from streamlined operations, quick reimbursement, and a fully integrated system to update information, making it a valuable asset for healthcare practices of all sizes.

Market Trends

As the healthcare industry evolves, CollaborateMD stays ahead of market trends by offering SaaS deployment, mobile device support, and patient portals, ensuring that your practice remains at the forefront of technology.


CollaborateMD empowers healthcare providers to track patient information, manage EHRs, and control online billing management. Its cost and time effectiveness, streamlined operations, and customizable security access make it a go-to solution for medical professionals seeking efficiency and productivity.