CGM APRIMA Patient Portal Software: Reviews & Pricing 2024

CGM APRIMA is a market-leading, award-winning patient portal software designed to provide a comprehensive suite of features to support healthcare practices. With a focus on user satisfaction and regulatory compliance, CGM APRIMA offers a flexible pricing model and proven functionality.

Designed to enhance patient engagement, streamline operations, and improve the overall quality of care, CGM APRIMA is a reliable and innovative solution for modern healthcare practices.

  • Market leading, award-winning EHR loved by physicians and office staff
  • Designed to take advantage of multiple hardware forms including the CGM APRIMA mobile app
  • Proven and awarded patient portal software

CGM APRIMA Screenshot


CGM APRIMA offers a flexible pricing model designed to suit various practice sizes and needs. The pricing is available upon request, and the software aims to provide value for the investment through its comprehensive features and functionality.


CGM APRIMA has garnered positive feedback from users, with a focus on its ease of use, comprehensive features, and reliable support. Users appreciate the flexibility and efficiency it brings to their healthcare practices.


With CGM APRIMA, healthcare providers can benefit from a range of features including secure access to medical records, appointment setting, prescription refills, secure messaging, and digital paperwork. The software is designed to streamline practice operations and enhance patient engagement, ultimately improving the overall quality of care.


CGM APRIMA provides a comprehensive suite of functionalities to meet the diverse needs of modern healthcare practices. It offers seamless integration with existing EHR systems and supports the coordination of care through enhanced patient engagement, aligning with the latest healthcare regulations and standards to ensure compliance and efficiency.

Market Trends

The market trends in patient portal software continue to drive innovation and customization, and CGM APRIMA is at the forefront of these developments. With a focus on HIPAA compliance and user-centric customizations, the software remains a reliable and forward-thinking solution for healthcare providers.