Cause Tree - Reviews, Features, and Pricing Information

Cause Tree is a powerful tool designed to optimize the management of accidents at work and occupational diseases. It offers a user-friendly interface, collaborative features, and comprehensive functionality to help businesses effectively analyze and address workplace incidents.

With Cause Tree, businesses can proactively identify and mitigate the root causes of accidents at work and occupational diseases, fostering a safer and more secure work environment.

  • Powerful visual representation of accident causes
  • Facilitates collaborative work with multidisciplinary teams
  • Helps in identifying and implementing corrective measures

Cause Tree Screenshot


When it comes to optimizing the management of accidents at work and occupational diseases, Cause Tree offers a robust solution that can be valuable for businesses of all sizes.


Users have found Cause Tree to be an essential tool in identifying and analyzing the causes of workplace accidents and occupational diseases, enabling them to take proactive measures to prevent recurrence.


Cause Tree provides a comprehensive set of features for analyzing and understanding the root causes of accidents at work and occupational diseases. From graphical representations to collaborative tools, it empowers organizations to address the issues effectively.


Cause Tree's functionality goes beyond traditional analysis methods, providing a systematic approach to identifying and addressing the causes of workplace incidents. Its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities make it a valuable asset for any organization.


By utilizing Cause Tree, businesses can proactively manage accidents at work and occupational diseases, leading to a safer and more secure work environment. It empowers organizations to implement targeted corrective measures and preventive actions, ultimately enhancing workplace safety and employee well-being.