Campaigner - Reviews, Pricing & Features | Marketing Automation Tool

Campaigner is a comprehensive marketing automation and CRM tool designed to streamline marketing and sales activities with its powerful features and integrations. Its user-friendly interface and customizable workflows make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

With detailed reporting and analytics, Campaigner enables businesses to make informed marketing decisions, while its seamless integration with other platforms and APIs enhances its functionality.

  • Comprehensive marketing automation and CRM tool
  • User-friendly interface and customizable workflows
  • Powerful reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Integration with popular platforms and APIs

Campaigner Screenshot


Campaigner offers a flexible pricing structure to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Get started with a free trial to experience the full range of features.


Campaigner receives positive feedback from users, with a focus on its robust functionality, ease of use, and effective customer support.


With Campaigner, users benefit from advanced marketing automation, CRM, detailed reporting, and seamless integrations to drive revenue and streamline marketing efforts.

Advantages of Campaigner

Campaigner empowers businesses with comprehensive marketing automation and CRM capabilities, offering advanced features for driving revenue and optimizing marketing and sales alignment.


Campaigner is an excellent choice for businesses and independent professionals seeking a powerful marketing automation and CRM solution that delivers results and supports growth.