Camms.Meeting Reviews 2024: Streamline Your Meeting Management

Camms.Meeting is a cloud-based meeting management solution that simplifies meeting set-up, agenda creation, meeting minutes, and action tracking. With Camms.Meeting, you can streamline meeting preparation, coordinate meetings in person or in the cloud, facilitate formal voting, and ensure confidentiality and security.

Request a demo to see how Camms.Meeting can help you optimize your meeting management processes and streamline governance.

  • Streamline meeting preparation with rapid agenda automation
  • Coordinate and run meetings in person or in the cloud
  • Facilitate formal voting on resolutions and key agenda items
  • Automated alerts and reminders for upcoming meetings and pending tasks
  • Configurable confidentiality and security levels

Camms.Meeting Screenshot


Camms.Meeting offers customizable pricing plans to suit your organization's needs. Contact us to get a detailed quote tailored to your requirements.


Discover why organizations are leveraging Camms.Meeting to streamline their meeting management processes and enhance governance.


Camms.Meeting provides a comprehensive suite of features including agenda automation, minute taking, online voting, automated alerts, confidentiality and security settings.


With Camms.Meeting, you can efficiently create, conduct, and follow up on meetings, ensuring seamless collaboration and decision-making.


By leveraging Camms.Meeting, organizations can streamline meeting processes, enhance governance, and ensure efficient communication and collaboration among board members and stakeholders.