Cadebill - Reviews, Pricing, Features 2024 | Telecom Billing Solution

Cadebill is an integrated telecom billing solution designed to meet the diverse needs of telecom businesses, providing convergent charging, operational support, and revenue assurance.

With its comprehensive functionality and proven reliability, Cadebill offers a cost-effective and efficient platform for telecom billing and customer management.

  • Integrated solution for telecom businesses
  • Convergent charging and billing for voice, data, and content
  • Operational Support System with real-time integrated provisioning

Cadebill Screenshot


Cadebill offers flexible pricing options suited for businesses of all sizes, providing a cost-effective solution for telecom billing needs.


Cadebill has received positive feedback from telecom companies, highlighting its robust features and ease of use.


Cadebill's feature-rich platform includes convergent charging, real-time call routing, and an integrated CRM solution, driving efficient telecom operations.


The functionality of Cadebill enables faster rollouts, eliminates redundancy, and ensures customer satisfaction with a low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), making it a valuable asset for telecom businesses.


With a track record of successful VoIP installations and a commitment to customer success, Cadebill is a reliable choice for managing telecom operations.