Broadly - User Reviews & Reputation Management Tool | GetApp

Broadly is a comprehensive tool for efficient and customizable online reputation management, user review collection, and response management. The platform offers flexible pricing plans and integrates seamlessly with other business tools to optimize your online presence and user engagement.

Gain valuable insights from real user experiences and enhance your online reputation with Broadly's powerful features and customizable alert notifications.

  • Efficient online reputation management
  • Collection and response to user reviews
  • Easy to use and customizable

Broadly Screenshot


Broadly offers flexible pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, with a range of features to meet their needs. The transparent pricing model ensures a cost-effective solution for managing reviews and reputation online.

User Reviews

Read what users are saying about Broadly, and how it has helped them improve their online presence and customer engagement. Learn from real experiences to understand how Broadly can benefit your business.


Explore the powerful features of Broadly, including review monitoring, response management, and customizable alert notifications. Broadly offers comprehensive tools to enhance your online reputation and user interaction.


Discover how Broadly integrates with other business tools and platforms to provide a seamless user experience. Leveraging the integrated capabilities of Broadly with your existing systems can optimize your online reputation management strategy and operations.

Broadly vs Competitors

Compare Broadly with other similar tools and understand how it stands out in the market. Gain insights into the unique capabilities of Broadly and make informed decisions about your online reputation and user review management.