Boardable - Reviews, Pricing, Features 2024 | GetApp France

Boardable is a comprehensive digital content management solution designed to streamline the creation, editing, and publication of structured or unstructured content. With robust features for SEO optimization and personalized customer journey mapping, Boardable empowers businesses to enhance their online presence and engage with their audience effectively.

Discover how Boardable can elevate your digital content management strategy and drive meaningful results for your business.

  • Manage digital content and customer experience projects effectively
  • Create, edit, revise, and publish structured or unstructured content
  • Improve SEO and provide a personalized customer journey

Boardable Screenshot


Boardable offers competitive pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes. The flexible pricing model ensures that you only pay for the features you need.


Users praise Boardable for its intuitive interface, robust features, and reliable customer support. The platform has garnered positive feedback for its ability to streamline content management and enhance the customer experience.


Boardable boasts a wide range of features, including content creation and management, SEO optimization, and personalized customer journey mapping. The platform's user-friendly interface and comprehensive toolset make it a valuable asset for businesses looking to elevate their digital presence and customer engagement.


Boardable's functionality is designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses, empowering them to create, manage, and optimize digital content with ease. From seamless content editing to insightful SEO analytics, Boardable equips users with the tools to excel in the competitive digital landscape.


By leveraging Boardable, businesses can enhance their content management capabilities, drive organic traffic through effective SEO strategies, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience. The platform's comprehensive suite of tools delivers tangible benefits in terms of customer engagement and digital content performance.