Billit - Reviews, Pricing, Features 2024

Billit is a comprehensive legal billing and accounting software that automates time tracking, billing, and accounting processes, streamlining operations for legal practices. With multilingual support, flexible pricing, and seamless integration, Billit is the ideal solution for legal professionals.

Discover the power of Billit for simplifying legal billing and accounting, enhancing productivity, and delivering exceptional client service.

  • Automates time tracking, billing, and accounting for legal practices
  • Integrates a wide range of case management and workflow tools
  • Offers multilingual support and multiple deployment options

Billit Screenshot


Billit offers flexible pricing plans tailored for legal professionals, ensuring cost-effectiveness and scalability.


Discover what users love about Billit and why it's the preferred choice for legal billing and accounting.


Explore the robust features of Billit that streamline time tracking, billing, client management, and more for legal practices.


Billit is designed to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in legal billing and accounting processes, driving productivity and client satisfaction.


Discover how Billit seamlessly integrates with existing legal management systems and accounting software, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.