Belly: Reviews, Features & Pricing - 2022

Belly is a comprehensive online payroll and HR software that centralizes all aspects of payroll, employee management, and HR tasks. With real-time updates, document storage, and intuitive reporting, it streamlines processes and enhances productivity.

  • Centralizes payroll and HR management
  • Real-time updates and reporting
  • Document storage and security

Belly Screenshot


Belly offers flexible pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes, making it an accessible solution for startups and established companies alike.


According to user feedback, Belly streamlines payroll and HR processes, saving time and reducing errors. Users praise its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features.


Belly provides a range of features including payroll and HR management, time tracking, expense management, and performance evaluation. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and utilize these tools effectively.


In addition to its core features, Belly offers optional add-ons to enhance functionality, such as employee engagement tools and advanced reporting capabilities.


Belly seamlessly integrates with popular business tools, providing a cohesive ecosystem for managing various aspects of human resources and payroll.