Backendless Reviews 2023: Is It Worth It? Pros & Cons

Backendless is a powerful platform for creating and managing full-stack applications with an emphasis on visual app development and robust security features. With flexible pricing and a wide range of features, it offers a comprehensive solution for any business seeking a reliable backend platform.

Discover the ease of use and flexibility of Backendless, making it a top choice for businesses and independent developers alike who want to build and manage full-stack applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

  • Visual app development without prior coding knowledge
  • High-performance security features for data protection
  • Flexibility to customize and personalize backend structure

Backendless Screenshot


Backendless offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different business needs, ensuring that you get the right features for the right price.


Users praise Backendless for its ease of use and robust security measures. They appreciate the flexibility it offers in customizing backend logic and APIs without writing any code.


Backendless is packed with a wide range of features, including user authentication, database, caching, geolocation, codeless development, and UI builder, making it a comprehensive solution for app development.


With Backendless, users can expect a seamless experience in managing backend requirements, ensuring efficient functionality and performance for their applications.


Security is a top priority for Backendless, providing users with the confidence that their data is protected with high-performance security measures.