BABY Audio TAIP - Reviews, Features, and Pricing | AI-Powered Tape Saturation Plugin

BABY Audio TAIP is an AI-powered tape saturation plugin that brings the true sound and behavior of analog tape into your DAW. With its versatile and user-friendly features, it allows for organic saturation and life to be added to sterile drums, instruments, and vocals, providing a modern twist to vintage sound.

TAIP offers a faithful, AI-based emulation of a 1971 European tape machine, delivering harmonic richness and non-linear magic to digital recordings. The innovative sound-design parameters enable users to go beyond traditional tape saturation, making it a valuable tool for music production.

  • Authentic tape saturation emulation for warm and organic sound.
  • Versatile feature set for customizing tape flavor and saturation levels.
  • User-friendly interface for intuitive control and manipulation.

BABY Audio TAIP Screenshot


BABY Audio TAIP offers an affordable pricing option at $79, making it a valuable addition to any music producer's toolkit.


Users have praised BABY Audio TAIP for its faithful emulation of analog tape, versatile feature set, and intuitive interface. It has been lauded for adding warmth and character to digital recordings.


With its innovative parameters such as Drive, Mix, Model, and more, BABY Audio TAIP enables users to achieve various levels of tape saturation and customization, giving a modern twist to vintage sound.


The plugin is compatible with major DAWs on both Mac and PC platforms, providing seamless integration into existing production workflows. It supports VST, VST3, AU, and AAX formats and is optimized for Mac OS 10.11 and newer, including Native Apple Silicon M1/M2 Compatibility, and Windows 10 and above.


BABY Audio TAIP stands out as a powerful and user-friendly AI-powered tape saturation plugin, offering musicians and producers a blend of classic warmth and modern versatility in their music production.