AtlasVote - Online Voting System 2024 Reviews & Features

AtlasVote is a simple and secure web-based voting platform that offers a self-serve system, customizable ballots, voter notifications, and dynamic voting features.

Experience enhanced security, fraud detection, and mobile-friendly usability for streamlined and efficient election management.

  • Self-serve platform for easy management
  • Customizable and dynamic voting features
  • Enhanced security and fraud detection

AtlasVote Screenshot


AtlasVote offers competitive pricing based on the number of features, users, and contract length. Contact the vendor for detailed pricing information.


Discover what users have to say about AtlasVote's simplicity, security, and effectiveness in managing elections.


Explore the self-serve platform, customizable ballots, voter notifications, dynamic voting, weighted votes, proxy codes, multi-round elections, audits & fraud detection, and mobile-friendly features.


AtlasVote streamlines the voting process, increases security and transparency, and enhances voter engagement, making it the ideal solution for managing elections.


While there are other online voting systems available, AtlasVote stands out with its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and dynamic voting capabilities.