Astra Security Tool Reviews & Features Overview

Astra is a powerful security tool designed to provide comprehensive protection for websites and applications. It offers robust features, user-friendly interface, and regular updates to keep your digital assets secure.

  • Comprehensive website and application security scanning
  • User-friendly interface and easy integration
  • Regular updates for evolving security threats

Astra Screenshot


When it comes to pricing, Astra offers competitive subscription plans tailored to different business sizes.


Users consistently praise Astra for its robust security features and ease of use. Many cite Astra as a reliable choice for protecting their digital assets.


Astra's feature set includes advanced malware scanning, vulnerability assessments, and real-time threat monitoring. It also provides intuitive reporting and remediation tools.


Businesses appreciate Astra's intuitive user interface and the ease of implementation, which minimizes disruptions to their operations.


Astra offers a multi-layered security approach, ensuring complete protection against evolving cyber threats. It's trusted by businesses across various industries for its comprehensive security measures.