App Radar Reviews, Pricing, and Features 2021 - Trusted Advice

App Radar offers advanced on-site and off-site SEO capabilities, detailed keyword ranking tracking, and in-depth backlink analysis to help businesses and independent app developers optimize their applications effectively.

With comprehensive analytics, integration capabilities, and reliable technical support, App Radar is a trusted choice for app optimization and marketing in 2021.

  • Advanced on-site and off-site SEO capabilities
  • Comprehensive keyword ranking tracking
  • In-depth backlink analysis

App Radar Screenshot


App Radar offers a range of pricing plans to suit the needs of businesses and independent app developers. Whether you're just starting out or you need advanced features, there's a plan for you.


Users praise App Radar for its intuitive interface, reliable performance, and excellent customer support. It's been a go-to tool for many in the app optimization industry.


With App Radar, you can benefit from advanced SEO features, powerful keyword tracking, and detailed backlink analyses. The platform also offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities, making it a comprehensive solution for app marketing.

Integration and API

App Radar seamlessly integrates with various platforms, including Google Analytics and various app stores, to provide a comprehensive app marketing solution. Its API allows for custom integrations and data exchange between apps and software.

Technical Support

Users of App Radar appreciate the responsive and knowledgeable technical support team. The platform offers comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and a support forum, ensuring users have the resources they need to optimize their app marketing strategies effectively.