Alibaba Cloud Reviews 2024: Find the Best IaaS Software - GetApp

Alibaba Cloud offers a comprehensive and reliable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution for businesses. With scalable computing power, robust security features, and a wide range of integrated tools, Alibaba Cloud is a top choice for businesses of all sizes looking to harness the power of cloud computing.

Whether you need flexible pricing options, seamless integration with third-party tools, or top-notch security, Alibaba Cloud has you covered.

  • Scalable computing power and storage options
  • Robust security and access control features
  • Integrated API and third-party integrations

Alibaba Cloud Screenshot


Alibaba Cloud offers flexible pricing options to suit different business needs. Whether you require a fixed-rate plan, usage-based pricing, or a free trial, Alibaba Cloud has a suitable option for you.


Users praise the reliability, performance, and seamless integration capabilities of Alibaba Cloud. With a high overall rating, it is a top choice for businesses looking for a robust IaaS solution.


Alibaba Cloud boasts a wide range of features including cloud computing, access controls, data migration, real-time monitoring, and comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. These features make it a versatile and powerful option for businesses of all sizes.


Security is a top priority for Alibaba Cloud, with advanced security measures in place to protect your data and infrastructure. From encrypted storage to comprehensive monitoring, Alibaba Cloud offers peace of mind for businesses operating in the cloud.


Alibaba Cloud provides ongoing support and resources to help businesses maximize the value of their IaaS solution. With extensive documentation, community forums, and expert support, businesses can leverage the full potential of Alibaba Cloud.