Afority - Reviews, Features, and Pricing | All You Need to Know

Afority offers a comprehensive solution for sports club management, providing real-time capacity control, efficient event organization, and secure communication with members and fans.

Streamline your sports club operations with Afority and ensure compliance with ease.

  • Real-time capacity control for compliance with COVID-19 regulations
  • Efficient management of registrations and event organization
  • Secure and automated communication with members and fans

Afority Screenshot


When it comes to managing your sports club effectively, Afority offers a comprehensive solution to streamline operations and ensure compliance.


Sports club administrators and managers have consistently lauded Afority for its ability to provide real-time capacity control, secure communication, and efficient event management.


Afority's key features include automatic and secure capacity control, streamlined event registrations, and secure communication with members and fans. The platform's intuitive interface and real-time capabilities make it an invaluable tool for sports club management.


Afority simplifies the task of managing a sports club by offering real-time solutions for capacity control, event organization, and secure communication. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it a must-have for sports club administrators.


Afority is a game-changer for sports club management, providing efficient solutions for compliance, event organization, and secure communication, all in one platform.